Thursday 10 May 2012

Alphabetically abnormal sudoku

You know what a sudoku puzzle is, right? A grid of 81 squares. 9 squares long, 9 squares wide. The whole thing is subdivided into 9 squares, 3x3, each containing 9 squares. In some of those squares are numbers. The basic idea is to work out, using logic alone, no mathematical skills needed, what numbers should go into the blanks spaces. Bear in mind that all vertical and horizontal lines and each 3x3 square must contain the numbers 1-9 with no repeats or absences. Here's an example.

Obviously, the top line is missing the numbers 1, 4 and 8. Since there is a 1 in the 2nd and 3rd sub-square, the 1 should then go into the 1st slot, between the 6 and the 5.
And so on. It's pretty easy, but then again, there are quite a few starter numbers. Me, I like doing the variety known as 'killer sudoku' or 'sumdoku'. See if you can work out what the rules are.

Anyway, both Julie and myself like to do sudoku - although Julie prefers the basic type. Not that that's a bad thing; she's actually pretty good at solving them. However, I sat in the lounge one day, poring over my puzzles, when Julie piped up with an offer of assistance...

Er. No, love. I'm still using numbers. Same as ever, same as you.

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