Friday 10 February 2012

A rodent has graduated.

It's Friday and the weekend is here, a fact that I, for one, am very grateful for. It's been a heck of a week, driving most of the way up and down the country and then coming back to this ice-box of a house. At least we got to stop over at my folks' place for a night as we passed by. Of course, as we are wont to do, we will all sit around following a good meal and enjoy a good game of Scrabble. Also, as certain people are wont to do, alcohol was consumed (although I do have to admit not copious amounts) and merriment ensued. Of course, when Dad and Julie are in the same room and of similar mind, then alcohol usage seems to be something akin to overkill...
Naturally, the standard 'hmph'ing was present, along with the tossing the book of words aside ("Stupid book!"). As was Dad's predilection for making up words that shouldn't exist but have somehow managed to appear in the book (the Scrabble word list, in case you weren't sure. I did mention it in Monday's post). Sneaking in an unwanted 'v', Dad put down the word 'VOE'. Immediately, there was an outcry at the unfamiliar word, but Julie was on form and managed to answer mine and Mum's outburst with what I consider to be a better answer than the real one...

(by the way, in case you're interested, a voe is a narrow sea inlet, something like a fjord, but mainly in the far North of Scotland, particularly the Shetland Islands. How's that for obscure!)

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