Monday 23 May 2011


One of the more frequent questions I'm asked - sometimes by Julie herself - is just how does she come up with the stuff she does? I always pile in right away with a defence; she's not stupid, not by a long chalk. Nor is she, to use the parlance of the day, 'special' (ie, 'special needs). The only deficit I can honestly lay at my wife's feet is a certain lack of horizons and a parochial approach to expanding them.

No, if anything, Julie's Gems spring from the same dotty source as the original absent-minded professor; the type of person who can calculate pi to thirty-eight places in their head without blinking.* Ask them to perform a task outside of their expertise, though and they have a tendency to go to pieces.

Oh, and one more thing. Never, EVER ask such a person about the source of their particular genius. Otherwise, you may wind up facing a comment like this one...

*By the way, Julie's own expertise is as a first-class administrator with a fine line in withering put-downs...
Coming up Wednesday; a Gem from a most unexpected source...

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